

There are THOUSANDS of different types of pads - such as liners, regular and night pads. Within these categories there are light, normal and heavy use pads that each support the absorption of different  levels of flow from light, moderate to heavy. 

-Everyone is different: flows often vary depending on our health, age and activity. Some months your flow may be heavier than others. 

- Generally, periods start at their heaviest in the first 2 days, in these days you will likely want to change your regular pad every 4-6 hour during the day, and be sure to remember a night pad at bedtime.  If you do not have a night pad, you can always position a regular pad slightly further back in your panties.

-as flow lightens over the course of your moon cycle, you can start changing your pad less, every 6-8 hours. The night pad is still a good idea.

- A thinner liner can be used as your period starts to slow to a stop, and sometimes in the few days after to be sure you are in the clear of any final spotting.  

- there are so many different pads to choose from, some are thick and others thinner. However, with modernized technologies you would be surprised that the actual thickness of a pad does not necessarily say anything about absorbency anymore.  We have very absorbent pads that are also thin, comfortable, and not barely there. And isn’t that the goal-- to not even notice that you are wearing the pad? As long as you do not bleed through the pad, then the pad is good for you! Protect those panties!

-Our Moonpads are made with modern technology making them ultra thin and lightweight-- but very absorbent, so that you can stay dry for many hours at a time. You will know its time to change your pad when you start feeling moist.

-Always remember to never flush pads or packaging into a flushing water toilet. Unlike many other menstrual pad brands, our Moonpads are special because they are biodegradable. This means they can be buried in the earth and turned back into soil.

-There are other types of menstrual products in addition to pads. 

  • You may also be interested in using tampons, which are inserted into the vagina. 
  • Reusable cups are also an equally good option. Some fear that a cup or tampon would break the hymen-- a remnant tissue just inside the opening of the vagina that is known to break upon first intercourse or intense exercise, but this is a myth! 
  • Many women also fear losing tampons inside of them, but rest assure--vaginas are closed at the top of the canal by the cervix, and that small hole into the cervix will only allow a baby and blood to come down through it, it will not allow a tampon or cup to go up into it.
  • Always follow instructions while inserting tampons or menstrual cups, and when in doubt, remember to relax with deep breaths. Using tampons with applicators are typically the easiest to insert.
  • reusable period panties, reusable cups, and reusable pads are excellent zero waste options for menstruators who have access to water and are able to find clean space to fully dry their reusable products.
  • Disks are also a great new option, though please be mindful of single use plastics and the impact that has on our environment.

We hope that this is helpful! Please let us know what your favorite product is! 

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